Fortify1 Case Study
Case Study – Fortify1 Clients
Case Study
Our Success

Garney Companies
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“We just didin’t have a structured program to follow or to find the steps we needed to bring our program up to speed…leadership understood we needed something in place…We are now organized, and we are making good progress whereas before we were flying by the seat of our pants, we now have an actual cyber security program in place.”
“We have a clear direction now. We know where we were lacking in direction and have a plan in place to move forward.”

“Fortify1 has proven to be an extremely valuable tool for us. It houses our entire Cybersecurity portfolio and keeps us on pace for reviews and the next steps to stay protected at all layers of security. Without it, our security posture would be lacking.”

“I believe that we have a good relationship with the Fortify1 team. They listen to their customers to make continual improvements to their platform. Also, this platform allows us to use this as our NorthStar when it comes to compliance requirements and cybersecurity projects.“
Medina & Yeargin, Inc.
“Using Fortify1 to monitor and update our cyber security services has been a very reliable too for the executie management team at Median & Yeargin, Inc. An easliy customizable, straight forward user interface provides monitoring and goal status reporting to meet cyber security plans and compliance objectives with our clients now and in the future.”

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